Saturday, 23 April 2011

61 and 16 - Interesting Number Pattern ---> 20

These two numbers show some interesting pattern again

1. 61 * 61 = 3721. Difference between 37 - 21 = 16 which is the reverse of 61
2. Now reverse 37 which gives 73. Reverse 21 which results in 12. 73 - 12 = 61 :)
3. Sum of digits of 3721 ia 13.Sum of digits of 256 (16 * 16) is also 13!

Can you find some more?

51 and 153 - Interesting Number Pattern ----> 19

Can you find similar pattern exhibited by these two numbers

153 = 51 * 3

a) Notice that 5, 1, 3 form the digits 153

b) Reverse of 51 is 15 which is 1* 5 * 3

c) Now 15 * 15 = 225, 3* 3 = 9. 225 + 9 = 234

d) Now concatenate 234, 09 (3 * 3 again) - You get 23409 which is 153 * 153 :)

e) Top it all 153 is the Armstrong number which we all know of 153 = 1 ^ 3 + 5 ^ 3 + 3 ^ 3

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Interesting Number Pattern ----> 18

Notice this pattern

13 * 13 = 169. Now sum up the digits as follows (01 + 69 = 70)

Reverse 13

31 * 31 = 961. Now sum up the digits again (09 + 61 = 70)

Now multiply 13 * 31 = 403. Sum up the digits again (04+03 = 07)

07 is the reverse of 70 :)

Try for 14

14 * 14 = 196 (01+96 = 97)

41 * 41 = 1681 (16 + 81 = 97)

14 * 41 = 574 (05 + 74 = 79)

79 is the reverse of 97 :)

There are more patterns and examples this way...

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Interesting Number Pattern ---> 17

Look at the following pattern

51 ^ 2 = 2601 - Difference between 26 and 01 = 25 which is 5 * 5
61 ^ 2 = 3721 - Difference between 37 and 21 = 16 which is 4 * 4
71 ^ 2 = 5041 - Difference between 50 and 41 = 9 which is 3 * 3
81 ^ 2 = 6561 - Difference between 65 and 61 = 4 which is 2 * 2
91 ^ 2 = 8281 - Difference between 82 and 81 = 1 which is 1 * 1

Can we find similar pattern? Any reason as to why other squares (11, 21, 31, 41) don't show this pattern or is it hidden?

Sunday, 10 April 2011

504 & 2520 - Interesting Number Pattern ----> 16

504 and 2520 have a special mention in the number world and this can be found out if we just Google

But there is more to these numbers

504 is the smallest number which has factors from 1 to 9

2520 is the smallest number which has factors from 1 to 10

Now 504 = 2 ^ 9 - 2 ^ 3 (512 - 8). Notice the base - 2 which plays a prominent role in this calculation

Look at this - 2 ^ 9 + 2 ^ 3 = 520. Prefix the number 2 to 520 and you get 2520 :)

Friday, 8 April 2011

Question for Maths lovers - Interesting Number Pattern ----> 15

Can you list down multiple characteristics of the number 153? (without Googling please :))

It could be sum of squares, cubes, etc, etc - Can you list down all of them?

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Sum of Squares and Prime - Interesting Number Pattern ---> 14

Look at this

4 ^ 2 + 1 ^ 2 = 17 ---> Prime
9 ^ 2 + 4 ^ 2 = 97 ---> Prime
16 ^ 2 + 9 ^ 2 = 337 ---> Prime
25 ^ 2 + 16 ^ 2 = 881 ----> Prime
(The pattern breaks here) 36 ^ 2 + 25 ^ 2 = 1921 ----> Not a Prime but it is = 17 * 113 which are both primes :)

Anagram-Mania!!! Interesting Number Pattern ---> 12

One of the commonly known pattern is the following

a) 13 * 13 = 169
b) Anagram of 169 is 196 which is 14 * 14
c) 961 is also an anagram which is 31 * 31 (and 31 is anagram of 13!!!)

What makes this pattern more unique is when you add number "2" to the above pattern

1. Prefix 2 in front of 169 ---> 2169.
2. Now 2169 is = 2197 - 28. 2197 is in turn 13* 13 * 13 and 28 = 3 ^ 3 + 1 ^ 3 !!! Again you could see 31 and 13 in that combination :)
3. Anagram of 2169 is 9216 which is 96 ^ 2!
4. 9261 is also an anagram which is 21 ^ 3!!! Now jumble the numbers in 21 ^ 3 and make it 31 ^ 2 and you will get 961 with 2 moved out:)

Very tough to see such a pattern! But as always numbers continue to surprise us!

5625 - Interesting Number Pattern ---> 11

5625 - 75 * 75

Add 56 + 25 = 81 - 9 * 9

5625 is one of the few numbers which two squares has a subset - 625 and 25

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Square + Cube pattern - Interesting Number Pattern ---> 10

Look at these patterns

2 ^ 3 + 1 ^ 2 = 9 = 3 ^ 2 (Now 2 + 1 = 3) - 2 and 1 are the base numbers

3 ^ 3 + 3 ^ 2 = 36 = 6 ^ 2 (Now 3 + 3 = 6) - 3 is the base number

4 ^ 3 + 6 ^ 2 = 100 = 10 ^ 2 (Now 4 + 6 = 10) - 4 and 6 are the base numbers

10 ^ 2 + 5 ^ 3 = 225 = 15 ^ 2 (Now 10 + 5 = 15) - 10 and 15 are the base numbers

Can you find more numbers of this nature?

Dedicated to Team India - Interesting Number Pattern --> 9

1983 - Difference between 83 and 19 is 64 which is a perfect square
2011 - Difference between 20 and 11 is 9 which is again a perfect square
2011 - Add the digits. It gives 4 which is a perfect square again
49 - Over in which India won the WC and also the number of runs Man of the Tournament Yuvi gave yesterday - Again a perfect square
91 - Runs scored by Dhoni which is a difference of two perfect squares 10 ^ 2 - 3 ^ 2!
277 - Winning score - Is a sum of 196 + 81 which are perfect squares in turn! (14 ^ 2 + 9 ^ 2)

All in all - A perfect ending to the WC story! Chak De India :)

Friday, 1 April 2011

Interesting Number Pattern --> 8

Check out these two

Take 13 and 11 which are prime numbers

13 X 11 = 143

Now reverse them and multiply again - 31  * 11 - 341 which is the anagram of 143!

Take 13 and 17 which are prime numbers

13 X 17 = 221 (or 0221)

Reverse them and multiply

31 X 71 = 2201 which is and anagram of 0221 :)