Saturday, 31 December 2016

Blog Post# 90: Welcome 2017!

This blog post is about the New Year and will keep it simple!

a) 2017 can be expressed as sum of two squares - 1936 + 81 (44 ^ 2 + 9 ^ 2)

b) 2017 also can be expressed as 1729 + 288 (1729 being Ramanujam number) and when further expanded it can be written as 2017 = 12 ^ 3 + 1 ^ 3 + 12 ^ 2 + 12 ^ 2

c) 20 + 17 (37) is a prime and 20-17 (3) is a prime!

d) 37 and its reverse (73) when multiplied gives 2701 which is an anagram of 2017!

e) Just like its anagram cousin, 2701 can be expressed as sum of two squares - 2601 + 100 (51 ^ 2 + 10 ^ 2)

f) 112017 (1st Jan 2017) is a product of two prime numbers - 3 and 37339 (see the presence of 3 and 37 everywhere!)

g) Finally 2017 itself is a prime number which is the prime reason for this post!

Happy 2017 everyone!