Sunday, 15 September 2019

Blog Post #106 - Similarities between 2601 and 7056

On the face of it, what's common between 2601 and 7056

- Both are perfect squares - 51 ^ 2 and 84 ^ 2

Beyond that there is something unique when you look closely at both the number and its square

Let's write it in this format

51 26 01 (51 ^ 2 => 2601)

84 70 56 (84 ^ 2 => 7056)

Now if you closely look at the number segment, two digits at a time, we can notice a pattern which is an Arithmetic progression

26-1 = 25

84-70= 14
70-56 = 14

Can you find any other square pair exhibiting a similar pattern?

Now here's some more work for the brain... The below number exhibits a slightly different pattern.
81 ^ 2 = 6561

81 65 61

81 - 65 = 16 => 4 ^ 2
65 - 61 = 4 =>   4 ^ 1

Does it have a pair which shows a similar trend?