This is my 125th blog post and decided to pen down about the number 125 itself as it has some very unique attributes apart from some of the very obvious ones
Drawing a parallel to the corporate world, 125 is like the all-rounder in any project team - multi-skilled, possess unique attributes compared to its peers and more importantly don different avatars or wear various hats when confronted with different external situations and unknowns
1. For starters, 125 is 5 ^ 3 and let's table it as the base attribute to begin with
2. 125 can be written as the sum of multiple squares (combination of various skillsets) and few are listed below
a) 100 + 25 = 125
b) 121 + 4 = 125
3. 125 has a very rare attribute which not many numbers can boast of
125 is 5 ^ 3, Sum of the digits 1 + 2 + 5 is 2 ^ 3 and 512 which is an anagram of is 8 ^ 3 (can be also written as (1 + 2 + 5) ^ 3
4. Further more look at the following pattern sequence where you prefix 1 to 9 to 125 - drawing a parallel to how an individual would react to varying situations while handling a project milestone
a) 1125 = 35 ^ 2 - 10 ^ 2
b) 2125 = 45 ^ 2 + 10 ^ 2
c) 3125 = 55 ^ 2
d) 4125 = 65 ^ 2 - 10 ^ 2
e) 5125 = 75 ^ 2 - 20 ^ 2 - 10 ^ 2
f) 6125 = 75 ^ 2 + 20 ^ 2 + 10 ^ 2
g) 7125 = 85 ^ 2 - 10 ^ 2
h) 8125 = 85 ^ 2 + 30 ^ 2
i) 9125 = 95 ^ 2 + 10 ^ 2
5. And finally the blockbuster - 125 squared = 15625. Let's go deeper one layer after another
a) 15625 = 125 ^ 125
b) Peel off 1 and you get 5625 which is 75 ^ 2
c) Peel of 5 and resultant is 625 which is 25 ^ 2
d) Peel of 6 and resultant is 25 which is 5 ^ 2
It is not just the breadth of skills that someone exhibits but also the depth of understanding, which is important as we peel/remove one layer after another in the scenario above, that makes someone a true all-rounder and Man Friday that any project team would love to have!
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