I decided to dedicate this post to my friend and ex-colleague, Sujith who just recently completed his 2 decade work anniversary at Infosys. Coincidentally we both started few months apart back in 2001 at Infosys and right from the time I got to know Sujith, he came across someone who was lively, always itching to do something new and more importantly wanted to make a difference!
The number 13649 is synonymous with Sujith's tenure at Infosys which started back in 2001 and just like him, this number has so many special and perfect qualities and why should we be surprised!
Here we go
a) To start off, 13649 is a "Prime" number and has a unique place in the number history! If you add all the digits of this number 1+3+6+4+9 we get 23 which is again a prime!
Let's go deeper into the number itself - 13649 is not only prime but "perfect" in many sense
b) Look at first, third and fifth digits and you get 169 which is a perfect square and turns out 169 square root is 13 which is the first two digits of the number!
c) 1, 36, 49 are perfect squares again!
d) Digits two, three and four is 364 and you look closer there are two perfect squares again - 36 and 64 and what more.. If you add both you get 100 which is a 10 ^ 2!
Last but not the least the number 13649 is itself formed by 5 different digits, each one of them is unique in their own respect and that's how Sujith has brought together people from all walks of life to make a difference through Maatram!