In the corporate world, time and again we come across two individuals in a project team or leadership roles who are extremely good at what they do, very smart but have very different personalities - one could be soft spoken but still pretty assertive in terms of the decisions he/she takes while the other may come out as a critic but is highly regarded for his/her inputs. Both of them bring in lot of value to the team and have to be groomed/managed to ensure that they deliver towards a common goal
Given this context, I was inspired to look at the numbers 1729 and 2520 which are very unique in their own sense and stands out from the rest but when they operate together, the outcome is a series of amazing patterns that we may not have expected in the first place. Listing down a few of them
To begin with 1729 and 2520 are unique in their own respect for the following reasons
1729 is the famous Ramanujan Number and the lowest 4 digit number which can be expressed as sum of two different cubes - 10 ^ 3 + 9 ^ 3 = 12 ^ 3 + 1 ^ 3
2520 is the lowest 4 digit number that has factors from 1 to 10
Let's bring them together and rock and roll!
1. Stating the obvious - 1729 is odd and 2520 is even but that's how different they are!
2. 1729 + 2520 gives 4249 and when you closely observe 42 and 49 are successive multiples of 7
3. Carrying on from the above with 4249 as the sum of these two, let's add 42 + 49 and the resultant is 91. Now 91 multiplied by its reverse 19 gives back 1729! That's the synergy we are looking for
4. Go one step further - 17 + 29 gives 46 while 25 + 20 yields 45. If you add 46 + 45, we again get 91 which is a factor of 1729 as mentioned in the previous step
5. Now add all the digits of 1729 and 2520 one by one and we get 28 which is a factor of 2520 in turn!
6. Both 1729 and 2520 are multiples of 7 - 247 x 7 and 360 x 7. Now both 247 and 360 can be written as difference of two squares - 247 is 256 - 9 while 360 is 361 - 1. Beautiful isn't it!
7. Multiply all the non-zero digits of 1729, 2520 one by one - 1 x 7 x 2 x 9 x 2 x 5 x 2 and the resultant number is 2520 - BINGO! That's awesome and a classic example of how these two bring the best when they "work" together
As we could clearly see, 1729 and 2520 are unique in their own respect but when they collaborate together and we leverage their unique properties (offering), the results could be amazing.
This is very true in a corporate world as well and all it requires to identify the strengths and potential of the individuals to create a winning team