2022 is here and along with it more hope and optimism as we navigate our way out of the pandemic that changed the world order and gave us a new perspective of how to approach life in general
A short mathematical note to welcome 2022 with Hope and Optimism as the "Prime" and "Unique" reason as we look forward to getting back to normalcy and have more in-person interactions with friends and family members without getting anxious about what's around!
a) 2022 + 2021 (the year before) gives 4043 which is a product of two "primes" - 13 and 311
b) 2022 + 2023 (the year after) results in 4045 which is again a product of two "primes" - 5 and 809
c) Now let's look at the factors of 2022 - It can be written as 337 x 6. When you look closely at 337, it is a "prime" number and more interestingly, the anagrams of 337 which are 373 and 733 are also "prime"!
d) 2022 is very interestingly placed between two square pairs. Take a look
The two even squares greater than 2022 are 2116 (46x46) and 2304 (48x48). Now difference between 2116 and 2022 is 94 while between 2304 and 2022 it is 282. 282 is 3 times 94 and also if you add the square roots (46 and 48), we get 94 again!
Now let's take a look at the even squares lesser than 2022 - 1936 (44x44) and 1764 (42x42). We would observe a similar pattern as above. The difference between 2022 and 1936 is 86 and between 2022 and 1764 is 258. 258 is 3 times 86 and if you add the square roots (42 and 44), we get 86 again!
e) Add 20 and 22 and we get 42. Reverse of 42 is 24 and when we multiply both we get the number 1008 which has a unique place in the field of astrology, spirituality, astronomy among many other fields
As we could see, 2022 has its own prime and unique properties and that personally gives me more hope as we look forward to this New Year
Wishing everyone a very Happy, Prosperous and Healthy 2022
#Hope #Optimism #2022