I was inspired to write about this 6 digit number based on a Youtube link shared by my ex-colleague and friend Karthik Narayan and I decided to unbundle few more amazing characteristics of this numbers
1. For starters, 998001 is a multiple of 9 as evident from a simple divisibility test. It doesn't stop there though
2. 998001 is the largest 6 digit perfect square and its square root is 999
3. 998001/9 = 110889. If you add the first 3 digits and the last 3 digits of the dividend as well as quotient you get 999, which turns out to be the square root as in #2!
4. If we multiply 9 with the reverse of 998001 (100899), the resulting answer is 908091 which is an anagram of 998001
5. Now let's look at some subsets of 998001 - 900, 9801 are perfect squares themselves and if you look at the reverse, 100899 then we get 1089, 100 as the perfect squares!
6. And finally, here's the trigger point for this blog post of mine - the Youtube link that was shared by Karthik (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daro6K6mym8).
When we divide 1 by 998001, we get all 3 digit numbers from 000 to 999 in order except "998"!
Wow... Maths and Numbers in particular is always fascinating and 998001 is sheer magic