Monday 12 November 2012

Amazing Facts - 47 - Squares of numbers ending with 7 - Do you see a pattern?

After a slightly long break, here I am back with a number pattern!

49 = 7 * 7
289 = 17 * 17
729 = 27 * 27
1369 = 37 * 37
2209 = 47 * 47
3249 = 57 * 57

Do you see a pattern? If yes, can you highlight the same

1 comment:

  1. Previous square + number (x*2)40 = gives next square, where x is the number to the left of 7

    049 - 7 * 7
    240 - (1*2)40 and 1 coming from (1)7 * (1)7
    289 - 17 * 17
    440 - (2*2)40
    729 - 27 * 27
    640 - (3*2)40
    1369 - 37 * 37
