Consider these numbers
131 - Prime number, Its anagrams 113 and 311 are prime as well
919 - Prime number, Its anagrams 199 and 991 are prime as well
373 - Prime number, Its anagrams 733 and 337 are prime as well
Is there a pattern or does it break somewhere? Does it also extend to 4 digit numbers?
Even if it breaks somewhere is there something that is common to all these numbers?
131 - Prime number, Its anagrams 113 and 311 are prime as well
919 - Prime number, Its anagrams 199 and 991 are prime as well
373 - Prime number, Its anagrams 733 and 337 are prime as well
Is there a pattern or does it break somewhere? Does it also extend to 4 digit numbers?
Even if it breaks somewhere is there something that is common to all these numbers?
I know a place you'll love...or maybe you'll already know it. :D (Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences)
And if u wanted something in common, they are all palindromes!