4096 is well known in the computer world as 2 ^ 12 (64 x 64) and that's pretty straight-forward
Anagram of 4096 is 9604 which is also a perfect square - 98 x 98
The above are fairly straight-forward and simple but check out this one
4096 x 4096 = 16777216
Now carefully dissect the 8 digit number - 16 and 16 are perfect squares of 4 which is the first digit of 4096
7772 is 4 x 67 x 29 - Look at this again - 4 is the first digit of 4096 and the sum of other two factors (67 + 29) is 96 which are the last two digits of 4096
Not many squares exhibit this kind of a pattern and if there are few more would love to see that listed down
Anagram of 4096 is 9604 which is also a perfect square - 98 x 98
The above are fairly straight-forward and simple but check out this one
4096 x 4096 = 16777216
Now carefully dissect the 8 digit number - 16 and 16 are perfect squares of 4 which is the first digit of 4096
7772 is 4 x 67 x 29 - Look at this again - 4 is the first digit of 4096 and the sum of other two factors (67 + 29) is 96 which are the last two digits of 4096
Not many squares exhibit this kind of a pattern and if there are few more would love to see that listed down
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